ACCA证书在国际上的地位还是比较高的,尤其是财会界。ACCA证书使用于国际会计注册,想要报考学习的学员,必然有自己更高的志向与目标。那么,ACCA AFM考试Overdrafts怎么学习?
ACCA AFM考试Overdrafts要求学员掌握的内容并不算是很少,学员要重视知识点的学习,学会自我理解与分析才可以。 戳:“各科必背定义+历年真题中文解析+20年习题册(PDF版)”
Overdrafts arise when payments from a current account exceed income to the current account – the deficit is financed by an overdraft.
the most important source of short-term finance available to businesses.
They can be arranged relatively quickly and offer a degree of flexibility.
Interest is only charged when the current account is overdrawn.