想要成功拿到ACCA证书,就应该认真的备考,掌握ACCA考试的内容很关键。ACCA考试有15门课程学员需要通过其中13门课程才可以。ACCCA考试知识点Belonging to swap bank怎么学习?
ACCCA考试知识点Belonging to swap bank是学员需要掌握的一个考点,在备考ACCA考试的时候,学员不仅要理解考点的内容,还需要重视每一个知识点间的联系。
1. Interest rate risk
risk of interest rates changing unfavorably before the swap bankcan lay off on an opposing counterparty the other of aninterest rate swap
2. Basis risk
risk of a situation in which the counterparties are tied to differentfloating-rates. The difference in the indexes is known as thebasis. Since the indexes are not perfectly correlated the swapmay not always be profitable for the bank
3. Exchange rate risk
refers to the risk that a swap bank faces from fluctuatingexchange rates during the time it takes for the bank to lay off aswap it undertakes with one counterparty with an oppositecounterparty
4. Credit risk
the major risk: it refers to the possibility that a counterparty willdefault.
The swap bank that stays between the two counterpartiesis obligated only to the
no defaulting counterparty
5. Mismatch risk
is the problem of finding an opponent for a swap which the bankhas agreed to take. The mismatch may be with respect to the sizeof the principal sums, the maturity dates or the debt service dates.
6. Sovereign risk
the possibility that a country will impose exchange restrictions on acurrency involved in a swap.