ACCA考纲变化是学员需要引起重视的,要使用zui新的考纲进行学习。ACCA考试要求学员掌握的知识点较多,因此考纲是学员学习的关键。那么,ACCA SBL考试知识模块The board of directors考纲有变动吗?
ACCA SBL考试知识模块The board of directors考纲变动内容并不算是很多,学员在备考的时候要注重每一个知识点的学习才可以。
a) Assess the duties of directors and functions ofthe board (including setting a responsible lone 7 from the top and being accountable for the performance and impacts of the organisation:[3]
d) Describe and assess the importance of, induction, performance appraisal and the continuing professional development of directors on boards of directors.[3]
f) Assess the importance, roles purposes and accountabilities ofthe main
board committees within effective governance:[3]
备考ACCA考试一定要购买zui新的教材进行课程的学习,ACCA BPP教材的购买渠道有几种,学员一定要选择正规的渠道购买才可以。ACCA BPP教材对学员很关键,融跃教育为ACCA学员提供正版教材供学员进行参考学习。