ACCA课程的知识点有很多,怎么去学习?怎么去掌握?ACCA课程学习要求学员找到自己的方法才可以,尤其是针对比较难的内容。今天给大家分享,ACCA考试中Software solutions 评估软件包是什么?
Skidmore and Eva 提出软件包应该根据 10 个高层次的要求来评估: 戳:“各科必背定义+历年真题中文解析+20年习题册(PDF版)”
1) Functional requirements – things the software must do to support business functions 功能性要求(即使用软件的目的):软件必须实现的功能,以支持业务功能
2) Non-functional requirements – things the software must do but do not directly relate to business
functions, e.g. compliance and audit requirements 非功能性要求:软件必要功能,但不是为了实现商
3) Technical requirements – factors such as the hardware platform to be used and the operating system,which may need to be compatible with existing operations 技术需求:如使用的硬件平台和操作系统,必须和当前系统兼容
4) Design requirements – flexibility to adapt the package over time 设计需求:随着时间的推移,仍然可以灵活使用
5) Supplier stability – minimise the risk of supplier failing by review of financial statements, current
trading, insurance cover etc.供应商稳定性:需要确保供应商失败风险较低,可以通过考察它的财务
6) Supplier citizenship – social responsibility considerations 供应商的公民社会责任
7) Initial implementation – how likely is it that the installation will be smooth 初始执行:安装顺利的可能性
8) Operability requirements – ongoing support and upgrades available 可操作性要求:技术支持的可持续性以及升级业务
9) Time constraints – how quickly can the package be installed 时限性:多快可以安装使用
10) Cost constraints – the price!成本考虑:价格
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