1. [单选题]Faithful representation is a fundamental characteristic of useful information within the IASB’s Conceptual framework for financial reporting.
A. Which of the following accounting treatments correctly applies the principle of faithful representation?
B. Reporting a transaction based on its legal status rather than its economic substance
C. Excluding a subsidiary from consolidation because its activities are not compatible with those of the rest of the group
D. Recording the whole of the net proceeds from the issue of a loan note which is potentially convertible to equity shares as debt (liability)
E. Allocating part of the sales proceeds of a motor vehicle to interest received even though it was sold with 0% (interest free) finance
2. [单选题]Which of the following statements relating to internal and external auditors is correct?
A. Internal auditors are required to be members of a professional body
B. Internal auditors’ scope of work should be determined by those charged with governance
C. External auditors report to those charged with governance
D. Internal auditors can never be independent of the company
1、正确答案 :E
The substance is that there is no ‘free’ finance; its cost, as such, is built into the selling price.
2、正确答案 :B
A is incorrect as internal auditors are not required to be members of any professional body. C is incorrect as external auditors report to shareholders rather than those charged with governance. D is incorrect as internal auditors can be independent of the company, if, for example, the internal audit function has been outsourced.