了解ACCA考试的知识点内容,能够帮助学员更好的去掌握考试的技巧。ACCA f7考试的知识点有很多,希望学员能够认真学习,掌握其重点。ACCA f7考试重点Intangiable Asset ?戳:“各科必背定义+历年真题中文解析+20年习题册(PDF版)”
Definition:Asset without physical substance
1) Internally generated 一定不能确认为 I/A
2) R&D, Research Phase & Development Phase 分隔点:PIRATE
3) 外部购买的 PATENT 等
1) At R: HC
2) After R: Cost Model or Fair Value Model
a) Cost Model:book value - accumulated amortisation
Definite life of use, RV(scrap value=0), Ready for Use 才开始摊销→In process/uncomplete
development 不摊销。
Indefinite life of use - anually test,确认是否有确定使用寿命
b) Fair Value - 必须有 active market.因为 I/A 基本不具备活跃交易市场,所以一般不用 FV Model.
P: probable future economic benefits
I: intention to complete and use/sell
R: resource adequate to complete and use/sell
A: ability to use/sell
T: technical feasibility
E: expenditure can be measured reliably
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