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  • 历年真题
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ACCA 9月备考正在紧张的阶段,想必学员已经准备的差不多了。现在小编给大家整理了几道历年的真题,希望能够帮助到正在学习的你!戳:“各科必背定义+历年真题中文解析+20年BPP习题册(PDF版)



1.You are the auditor of Nenox, a large public limited pharmaceuticals manufacturer. The audit is complex and high profile and it is particularly important that non-sampling risk is minimised.

Which of the following would have no effect on non-sampling risk?

A. Review the audit working papers more frequently.

B. Produce a detailed planning memorandum.

C. Use more experienced staff.

D. Increase the number of items selected for detailed testing.

2.Herinel has included a provision for compensation in its financial statements in respect of a legal claim brought by a former employee.

Which of the following is relevant evidence in respect of the provision?

A. The statutory maximum compensation payment in such cases.

B. Correspondence from the company's lawyers setting out their opinions on the likelihood of the claim's success.

C. Previous payroll details for the former employee.

D. Written representation from management.

3.Which of the following are not assurance engagements?

A. Reporting on the effectiveness of internal controls.

B. Tax and management consulting.

C. Audit of financial statements.

D. Compilation of financial information.




解析:Increasing the number of items selected for detailed testing will impact on sampling risk but will have no effect on non-sampling risk.

The other three choices will have the effect of reducing non-sampling risk.


解析:The opinion of the lawyers will be persuasive with regard to whether a transfer of economic benefit is likely. As the matter is judgemental, it is appropriate to seek written management representations. Compensation is often calculated as a % or multiple of salary, so previous payroll details are relevant in verifying the amount of the provision, as will be the statutory maximum level of compensation.


解析:An assurance engagement is 'an engagement in which a practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to enhance the degree of confidence of the intended users other than the responsible party about the outcome of the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria'.

Compilation of financial information and tax and management consulting do not meet the definition of an assurance engagement.


