大家都知道,ACCA考试不仅是知识的学习,还需要进行题目的练习,了解自己的掌握情况是怎样的。ACCA真题练习对考试很关键,建议学员能够认真对待,并去分析考试的重点是什么。 戳:“各科必背定义+历年真题中文解析+20年习题册(PDF版)” 【多选题】Which TWO of the following are primary sources of data?
选项:A. Data collected by a department in a telephone survey to monitor the effectiveness of the department's customer services
B. Focus group feedback about potential flavours of a new cake
C. The Annual Abstract of Statistics, published by the Office for National Statistics in the United Kingdom
D. Historical records of transport costs to be used to prepare forecasts for budgetary planning
解析:Focus group为特定项目收集的数据是一 手数据(primary data),运输费用的历史记录并不是专门为编制预而收集的,因此这些是二手数据(secondary data),由英国国家统计局出版的年度统计摘要是二手的、外部的数据(secondary external data)。