掌握ACCA知识点的内容,是学员通过考试的基础。ACCA考试有很多需要学员掌握的概念性的知识点,学员只有充分的了解并掌握之后,才能够更好的去运用在考试中。ACCA考试Business angel financing怎么理解?
报考ACCA考试学员需要通过13门课程的考试才你能拿到ACCA证书,在学习的时候,学员可能需要掌握的知识点有很多。ACCA考试Business angel financing的内容,学员可以从下面内容去学习:
Business angel financing can be an important initial source of business finance.
Business angels are wealthy individuals or groups of individuals who invest directly in small businesses.
They are prepared to take high risks in the hope of high returns.
There may be less need to provide business angels with detailed information about the company, since business angels generally have prior knowledge of the industry.
However, the money available from individual business angels may be limited, and large sums may only be available from a consortium of business angels.
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